Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Great Morning beautiful black people! So last night I decided to watch basketball wives to see if anything had changed after fifth teen minutes into the show I realized it hadn’t. As I watched in horror at the bullying that was being displayed by Tami Roman I became embarrassed and disgusted by image that was being portrayed. Yes, she is her own person but the reality of the show is that she is representation of black women. Yes I could have turned the channel but I had to see it through, after watching my heart was sadden for her and for myself as a black woman. For years we have been depicted as angry, eye rolling, neck snapping creatures. Society has deemed our value in our bodies, they think we have nothing to offer this country because we are women and we are black. After the show went off Tami stated how sorry she was for her actions and for not being a positive role model for her non profit organization she started. I believe she was sincere; however the damage is already done ,you see the problem with television and the internet is there is no recall. To heal these wounds for ourselves we need to first take a stance. This will in fact be the last time I watch any reality show that depicts us in a negative light. We also need to make these producers accountable for what they put out her for us. Shaunie O’Neil is one of the creators of the show as black woman she should not want this depiction of us. We are being used by the network. There are several reality shows that are about us that do not depict us in a negative way. Lala’s Full Court, Mary Mary Show, The Braxton’s, and Toya and TI& Tiny. When will we support these shows? My goal now is to be advocate for my sisters, yes we are strong and self sufficient but we are not angry. We have normal lives, we have families and we work hard and build up our community. We are the pillars of the community and we were created to be great. So yes I am speaking on behalf of my sisters we are not angry, we are not bullies we are women who are here to make an impact in our communities. If we want to display any anger lets be angry about what is happening to our sons and daughter s in the community! Let us be in uproar regarding the AIDS epidemic that affects our sister and brothers. Let show them what positive anger is by channeling it into a different light that will help turn around our communities and make our children’s world a better place. Peace and Blessings Lyric Xpression

Monday, November 14, 2011

Refueling the Dream

We as women have the power to do anything. Not only are we the givers of life, we are the glue that holds our families together. With all the strength that the Creator gives us, we still find ourselves becoming mentally, physically, and spiritually drained. How do we maintain focus on our families, mates, and careers while still maintaining a sense of self?

The first step is realizing that you are only one person. It is okay to say "no" or "I can't". Taking time for self isn't an act of selfishness. In fact, not giving yourself a moment directly impacts the relationships that you have with others. Everyone needs "me time", rather it be a spa day, exercise, meditation, or an hour of prayer.

Keeping a spiritual connection is very important as well. Believing in a Higher power gives us a sense of protection and comfort, knowing there is a being so powerful that protects us.

We must realize that fulfilling our dream and our purpose, will take dedication and hard work. When a door closes, smile and be thankful. Just because we feel this may be the way, doesn’t mean it's our divine path.

So stay encouraged and remind yourself that you can't fail. The tongue is a powerful weapon. So speak your dreams and goals into existence. Even if life presents a set back, remember that is your journey being redirected toward the road of success

Thursday, July 28, 2011

In Arm's Reach

Have you ever had a vision, or goal that was within arms reach,but you didn't cease the opportunity? For many years I allowed my own fear to prevent me from achieving my goal as an author. Now that I am published author, I find myself looking at numerous opportunities that I passed up in my personal life. In that moment I realized fear attacks all areas of your life if you allow it to. Even when a good opportunity or person has entered in our lives some of us put forth more effort in finding the bad in the person,place or thing ,pushing it away out of arms reach. When we bond with fear we are sending a message to God saying we don't trust His word to see us through. Every goal is within arms reach when you allow God to guide you. Will you continue to push away from opportunities out of fear ?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Potential Mate

What are the key factors, that you look for, when looking for a potential mate? Do you compromise on some or is it all or nothing ?

When Love is not enough

I was asked by a young lady would I stay in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling my needs. I quickly responded NO! She went on to say how she loves this man and will do anything to keep him, however she doesn’t feel as if his feelings mimic hers.

So after speaking with my close girlfriends I came to the conclusion at some point in everyone’s life we have tried to hold on to someone or something that was not meant for us.

When our love is no longer enough we have to realize that it is time end this toxic relationship. If we don't it becomes very draining to our spirit making us feel as if we aren't worthy of finding and obtaining true love.

So when love is no longer enough, say good bye, I bid you a due, because without love there is nothing worth hanging on to our fighting and end the end we will loose.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do we Trust God?

We all have dreams and aspirations. Some of us follow through with our dreams,and some of us don't . Sometimes circumstances can derail our plans.

For me my dreams were derailed simply because of me. I allowed my dreams,and goals to be suppressed out of fear. At the time I didn't realize it. I had an excuse for everything that I started and didn't complete.

I allowed a break up of some 12 years ago get me so off track. I had become so dependent and so attached to this person that I live my dreams through him.

I didn't realize I was using him subconsciously not to find my own path. When God has called you to do something He will have His way.I am thankful that God didn't take my gift from me.

I no longer fear success ,I know longer fear the hard work that I have to put in to be the woman God destined me to be.

I trust God to lead me and open up doors and opportunities for me. God wouldn't have impregnated me with the seed of success and not allow me to give birth to it.

My question to you do you trust Him?